Sunday Times: Sunday School 9:30 | Morning Worship 10:30 | Evening Service/Connect Groups 6:00 PM
Pastor Ron is teaching an in-depth study on divine healing for at least the month of February in the Deeper Night class in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at 7:00.
If you have questions about diving healing or need healing, Pastor Ron encourages you to come to this study.
Please join us for DEEPER NIGHT every Wednesday @ 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall (south end of the main building). Pastor Ron Meador is an excellent teacher of God’s Word. His teaching is biblically solid. He does not waver to the right or to the left. He is unashamed to preach and teach the entire Word of God.
THE BRIDGE Coffee Shop is for young adults. Those who are out of high school and still in their 30’s are invited! This is a place for young adults to meet, build friendships, learn, and grow their personal lives and relationships from the Word of God, all over a cup of coffee. The Bridge meets on Wednesdays in the Welcome Center (west side of main building) and doors opens at 6:30.
Rainbows for preschool children between the ages of 3-5 (not yet in Kindergarten)
MPact Girls: Daisies – Kindergarten; Prims – 1st & 2nd grade; Stars – 3rd -5th grade
Royal Rangers: for boys in Kindergarten – 5th grade
Rainbows and Mpact girls meet in the children’s building that is directly behind (south) of the main building. Royal Rangers meet in the huts that are located at the southwest corner of the campus.
Duncan Bethel Church » Children
Duncan Bethel Church » Ignite Student Ministries
The habits and choices that teenagers make lay foundations that will define them as adults. Ignite is committed to helping students learn and follow the way of Jesus, believing that He not only rescues our lives, but also, defines how life ought to be lived.
At Bethel’s student ministry, IGNITE, we want students to know that there is a purpose to life, and that following the teachings of Jesus is the best way for them to live. Loving their enemies is better than hating them, forgiving those who have done them wrong is better than harboring bitterness. We want them to understand that Jesus calls Himself “the way, the truth, and the life.” It is only through Jesus’ way that we can find true life and purpose in this world.
MEETING TIME: Wednesday IGNITE 7:00-8:30 PM
Sunday IGNITE Connect Group 6:00-7:30 PM
All adults are invited to come to the youth center gym (building with green roof near railroad tracks) at 6 PM on Mondays. This is a time of fellowship, sharing and growing in the Lord. (Parents, please note that you need to find your own childcare.)
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Pastor Ron Meador