Sunday Times: Sunday School 9:30 | Morning Worship 10:30 | Evening Service/Connect Groups 6:00 PM
Ladies meet at the church office twice a month for Bible Study. They meet on the second and fourth Thursdays. Bible Study begins at 1:30 and usually last about 1 1/2 hours.
Ladies meet on the second Thursday of each month (exceptions may be December) for lunch at one of the area restaurants. You may call the church office for location (255-2745). All women are welcome. Each lady is responsible for paying for her lunch and gratuity. After lunch, ladies meet at the church office for Bible Study. Bible Study starts at 1:30 and usually lasts about 1 1/2 hours.
Ladies’ Game Night from 6:00 to 8:00 PM; Every first and third Tuesday of the month*
Ladies, come for an evening of fun! We will have various games available to play. Surely, there will be one you will like. This is a time to relax and laugh with your church family. (Game night is held in someone’s home. You may call the church to find out the location.)
To make it easy on everyone, bring your own snack (or one to share if you wish) and drink!
*This event will not be held if an all-church event or another ladies’ event is scheduled for the same time. Also, if game night falls on/near a holiday, it may not be held.
You may call the church office, 580-255-2745, if you have questions.
Connect groups (aka small groups) meet at 6 PM every Sunday. Periodically, we will have a special service on a Sunday evening. It will be announced in the bulletin, monthly calendar and/or from the pulpit.
We currently have 5 different adult connect groups and they meet in various locations on the church campus.
Youth and children also have their own special meeting places. Ignite youth (6th – 12th graders) meet in the student center which is the building with the green metal roof located on the east side of the campus. The children (preschoolers-5th graders) meet in the children’s building located directly (south) behind our main building.
You may see more information at Duncan Bethel Church » Sunday & Wednesday Classes (
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Pastor Ron Meador